Migrating from WebHelpers

This chapter explains how to migrate an application from WebHelpers to WebHelpers2.

All helpers were reviewed and several were renamed or moved to organize them better, or changed their arguments to be more useful long term. WebHelpers2 focuses on the HTML generator and tag library, text processing, value formatting, container objects, and statistics. Other large subsystems were deleted if they’re available separately on PyPI or were difficult to maintain. Also deleted were helpers that were little-used or no longer needed in Python 2.6+, or depended on the obsolete Pylons framework.

New features are not mentioned here. Please read the rest of the documentation for them.

Global changes

The top-level package was renamed to webhelpers2, so you’ll have to change your imports. (The reason it was renamed was to avoid breaking older applications that are still using the WebHelpers API but were not pinned to a specific version of it.)

The test suite has been changed to PyTest. All doctests have been converted to unit tests. The remaining code examples in the documentation are solely for documentation.


No changes.


Renamed helpers:

  • del_quiet() -> del_keys()

  • except_keys() -> copy_keys_except()

  • extract_keys() -> split_dict()

  • only_some_keys() -> copy_keys()

In all these helpers the keys argument changed to \*keys, so pass the keys as positional arguments rather than in an iterable.

Deleted ‘get_many()’. It was little used.

Deleted ‘Accumulator’. Use collections.defaultdict(list) in the standard library or WebOb’s ‘MultiDict’.

Deleted ‘UniqueAccumulator’. Use collections.defaultdict(set) in the standard library.


No changes.


Deleted. PyPI has a feedgenerator distribution that is a more basic port of the Django original, and a feedgen distribution that’s more modular. Neither of them support GeoRSS as the WebHelpers module did. (This module was dropped because it was significant work to periodically merge updates from the Django original, and the WebHelpers maintainers were not newsfeed experts and couldn’t really evaluate the patches.) You can also generate newsfeeds with a simple template; XXX TODO here are Mako functions for that generate Atom and RSS with GeoRSS.


No changes at the package level, except for imports from the builder module that have changed.


HTML.literal is now the literal class rather than a wrapper method. As a consequence it no longer accepts multiple positional args. Use HTML(..., lit=True) instead.

The ‘make_tag()’ function was merged into HTML.tag(). ‘format_attrs’ was split into HTML.optimize_attrs() and HTML.render_attrs(). The ‘empty_attrs’ global was replaced by HTML.void_attrs.

All tag-generating helpers now convert underscores to hyphens in attribute names. This is to support HTML5 “data-” attributes as keyword args. Trailing underscores are still removed (“class_” -> “class”). This was implemented at the lowest level, so both HTML.tag() and all the high-level helpers in the ‘tags’ module have this feature.

The code for boolean HTML attributes was rewritten and new boolean attributes defined; see the builder page for details.


Deleted. Moved and renamed the following helpers:

  • format_paragraphs() -> webhelpers2.html.tools.text_to_html()

  • render() -> webhelpers2.html.tools.html_to_text()


Deleted the html.grid and html.grid_demo modules. These were third-party modules that were ill-advisedly included in WebHelpers. The author Marcin Lulek (Ergo^) has released then on PyPI as webhelpers2_grid.

Deleted the sample CSS stylesheet.


The select helpers were overhauled in 2.0rc2 and again in 2.0rc3:

  • The options argument to select() and ModelTags.select() is more restrictive. If you previously passed a list of value-label pairs, or embedded lists representing groups, or other complex data structures, you’ll have to build up Options instance instead and pass it. This was changed in 2.0rc3.

  • Options.render() is a new feature. It renders the options without an enclosing select. This can be used to manually place options into an HTML <select> or <datalist> in a template.

  • The Options, Option, and OptGroup APIs have incompatible changes. They were changed in 2.0rc2 and again in 2.0rc3.

  • When rendering an <option>, if the value is identical to the label or None, the HTML ‘value’ attribute is suppressed. We originally thought the ‘value’ attribute was mandatory but it isn’t in either HTML 5 or HTML 4.0.1. This is a difference in output HTML but it shouldn’t affect browser behavior.

  • The following were added in 2.0rc2 but deleted in 2.0rc3: a ‘SelectedValues’ class, an ‘Option.selected’ attribute, and the self-HTMLizing of ‘Option’ and ‘OptGroup’ instances.

The image() helper no longer accepts args ‘path’ or ‘use_pil’, and raises TypeError if they are specified. These depended on the ‘media’ module which was deleted. To perform the equivalent, write a wrapper function that uses one of the ‘media’ alternatives discussed below to parse the dimensions from an image file. A future version of WebHelpers2 may reintroduce an API for this, but you would have to supply your own callback function to do the parsing.

Deleted ‘required_legend()’, ‘title()’, and ‘xml_declaration()’. Use manual HTML.

Deleted the ‘Doctype’ class. Use simply “<!DOCTYPE html>” for HTML 5.

Deleted ‘convert_boolean_attrs()’ and ‘css_classes()’. The HTML builder now does these itself.


Deleted the ‘highlighter’ arg in highlight(). It has been deprecated since WebHelpers 1.0b2.


Deleted. Use the markdown or markdown2 distributions on PyPI.



The choose_height() helper was moved to ‘webhelpers.misc’.

The ‘get_dimensions()’ helper has equivalents on PyPI; see the dimensions and imagefacts distributions, and the Pillow imaging library.


Deleted. It had undeclared Pylons dependencies and didn’t really do much useful.


Renamed helpers:

  • convert_or_none() -> convert()

  • subclasses_only() -> subclasses_of()

Deleted ‘all()’, ‘any()’, and ‘no()’. For the first two without a predicate, use the Python builtins all() or any(). For ‘no()’ or to use a predicate, copy the WebHelpers implementations (which were borrowed from Python’s itertools documentation).

Deleted ‘format_number()’. To display a number with thousands separators, use "{:,}".format(12346) (which always uses commas) or "{:n}".format(12345) (which uses the locale-specific separator). The former was added in Python 2.7.

Replaced ‘DeclarativeException’ with StudlyException. It’s the same concept but has different arguments and attributes.

Deleted ‘OverwriteError’. Python 3 may add an exception for this; otherwise you can use one of the stdlib exceptions or make your own.


Deleted the ‘Stats’ and ‘SimpleStats’ classes. The underlying function-based helpers remain.


Deleted. Its author Christoph Haas has released a newer and more modular version as the paginate and paginate_sqlalchemy distributions on PyPI.


Deleted the subpackage. Pylons is obsolete and will not be ported to Python 3. For Pyramid applications, equivalents to ‘flash’ and ‘secure_form’ are in the Pyramid session support. For CSS/Javascript minification, see the several third-party implementations. ‘grid’ has been deprecated since WebHelpers 1.0b1.


Changed the argument signature of series(). The items are now positional args instead of an iterable, and the keyword args are renamed to conj and strict.


Deleted. Use the textile distribution on PyPI.


Deleted. Most of it was support functions for other helpers, and most of that was either obsolete or superceded by the Python standard library, MarkupSafe, or newer versions of WebOb.

This leaves update_params() without a home; it’s currently in the ‘unfinished’ directory in the source distribution until a location is determined.